Jumat, 13 Juli 2018

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Happy Single Parents Day! 17 Tweets That Perfectly Capture What's ...
src: www.jetss.com

A single parent is a parent whose parents own no parental support, which means that this particular parent is the only parent for the child, responsible for all financial, material and emotional needs. This means no other parent is at odds with the parent, which means that the parent is not the only parent regardless of whether they are a couple or not. Of course, this definition is true. There is no true definition of what "single parent" means and more based on opinion. Sometimes, a person finds himself in a single-parent family structure that arises due to partner death, artificial intentional insemination, or unplanned pregnancy.

Historically, partner mortality is the single most important cause of single parenthood. A single parenting pattern can also occur due to the breakup of relationships or divorce from a paired parent who goes and chooses not to interfere, leaving one parent to raise and support the child himself. Many people confuse single parenting with parenting: co-parenting involves both parenting playing the role of supporting and rearing the child, rather than one parent-just as with an only child. Recent years have seen an increasing incidence and visibility of unpaired women who choose to be single parents. When single women attempt to conceive deliberately to be single mothers with a choice (or "choice mother"), they often look for anonymous or known sperm donors. The adoption or coaching of single parents is also sometimes an option for single adults who want to raise a family.

A single parenting demographic shows a worldwide general increase in children living in single parent homes. A single parenting pattern has become the norm in the United States and is a trend found in many other countries. The morality and feasibility of single mothers has long been debated in the US. Single mothers Americans live in poverty 5 times more often than married parents. (National Women's Legal Center, Poverty & Income between Women & Families, 2000-2013) The topic is less controversial in Western European countries where all families enjoy stronger state-sponsored social benefits.

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Single parent status has become a common history because of the death rate of parents (due to illness, war and maternal death). Historical estimates indicate that in French, English, or Spanish villages in the 17th and 18th centuries, at least one-third of children lost one of their parents during childhood; in Milan of the 19th century, about half of all children lost at least one parent at the age of 20; in 19th century China, nearly a third of boys lost one parent or both at the age of 15. Divorce is generally rare historically (though this depends on culture and era), and divorce is very difficult to obtain after the fall. Roman Empire, in medieval Europe, due to the strong involvement of ecclesiastical courts in family life (although cancellations and other forms of separation are more common).

Maps Single parent


In the United States, since the 1960s, there has been an increase in the number of children living with single parents. The 1980 United States Census reported that 19.5% were single parent households. From 1980 to 2009, the percentage of single parent households jumped to 29.5%. This jump is due to increased births for unmarried women and by the increasing prevalence of divorce among couples. In 2010, 40.7% of US births were unmarried women. In 2000, 11% of children lived with unmarried parents, 15.6% of children lived with divorced parents, and 1.2% lived with widowed parents. The 2010 US Census results show that 27% of children live with one parent, consistent with the emerging trends recorded in 2000. The latest data in December 2011 showed about 13.7 million single parents in the US Mississippi led the nation by a percentage highest births for unmarried mothers by 54% in 2014, followed by Louisiana, New Mexico, Florida and South Carolina.

About 16% of children worldwide live in households with single parents. In 2006, 12.9 million families in the US were led by single parents, 80% of whom were led by women. In 2003, 14% of all Australian households were single-parent families. At the 2013 census, 17.8% of New Zealand families are single parents, of whom five per cent are led by women. Single parent families in New Zealand have fewer children than families with two parents; 56% single parent families have only one child and 29% have two children, compared with 38% and 40% respectively for families with two parents. In the UK, about 1 in 4 families with dependents are families with single parents, 8 to 11 percent of whom have single male parents. UK poverty figures show that 52% of single parent families are below the poverty line set by the Government (after the cost of housing). Single parents in the UK are almost twice as likely to be in low-paying jobs as other workers (39% of single parents work compared to 21% of people working nationwide). This is highlighted in a report published by Gingerbread, funded by Trust for London and Barrow Cadbury Trust.

Countries in Asia and the Middle East are the most likely to have children raised in single parent households. On the other hand, the 3 regions of the world that are most likely to have children out of wedlock are Latin America, South Africa, and Sweden. Along with this, an area where there are very high numbers of children living in single parent homes including Africa, Europe, Latin America, North America, and Oceania. It has also been shown that children living in South Africa are the most likely to live with single parents.

Overall, according to New York Times , how single parents are defined depends on the culture of each country. There are graphs and statistical charts to support the aforementioned concerns and topics. The following references ensure statistics from other countries around the world, not just the United States.

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src: www.parentmap.com


There is some debate among the experts about what an important component of family structure, especially in the US, centering on whether a complete family or the love and affection of the children's parents is more important. There are even some who argue that single parent families are not even really a family. In American society, where the standard of living is very high, single mothers and single fathers are more likely to be poor, not only because they have no help in the household, but also because they do not have much money to start. In this regard, public policy debates have recently centered on whether governments should provide assistance to single parent households, some believe to reduce poverty and improve their situation, or instead focus on broader issues such as protecting work. In addition, there is a debate about the behavioral effects of children with imprisoned parents, and how losing one or both parents to jail affects their academic performance and social welfare with others.

Various viewpoints exist and the debate is complicated by different interpretations of the available research. The Institute for the Study of Civil Society reports that children of single parents, after controlling for other variables such as family income, are more likely to have problems. ONS reported that children were twice as likely to suffer from mental illness. The researchers point out that children without fathers are three times more likely to be unhappy, and also more likely to engage in anti-social behavior, substance abuse and engage in juvenile delinquency.

It is recommended that each parent respect the other, at least in front of the child, and provide child support for the primary caregiver, when the parents are not married or separated. Civic behavior among separated parents has a direct effect on how children cope with their situation; this is especially evident in younger children who do not yet understand the separation of their families, requiring both parents to build limited friendships to support the care of their child.

ONLINE PARENTING COACH: Reducing Stress In Your Single-Parent Family
src: 1.bp.blogspot.com

Education achievements of single parent households

In this section we will use data from the US Census Bureau and the National Assessment on the Progress of Education to evaluate how improvements in single parent households can affect educational attainment of children. The percentage of children living with single parents increased substantially in the United States during the second half of the 20th century. According to Child Trends, 2013 only 9% of children live with single parents in the 1960s - a figure that increased to 28% in 2012. The main cause of single parent families is the high rate of divorce and birth of non-marital children. According to Blankenhorn 1995, Fagan 1999, Pearlstein 2011, Popenoe 2009 and Whitehead 1997 research, single parent families strongly correlated with school failures and delinquency problems, drug use, teenage pregnancy, poverty, and welfare dependence in American society. By using the storied modeling, Pong 1997 and Pong 1998, the proportion of children from single parent families is very low in terms of mathematics and reading achievement tests in schools.

What Are the Negative Effects of Being a Single Parent? - Child ...
src: www.mychildsclosetinc.com

Primary caregivers in the United States

Single mother United States

In the United States, 83% of single parents are mothers. Among the percentages of single mothers: 45% of single mothers are currently divorced or separated, 1.7% are widows, 34% of single mothers never married. Although a few decades ago, having children outside marriage and/or being a single mother did not stand out. The census information from the 1960s tells us that in that year, only nine percent of children lived in single parent families. Today four out of every ten children are born by unmarried mothers.

The prevalence of single mothers as primary caregivers is part of the traditional parenting pattern between mother and father. The data support this claim, showing that compared to men, women make up more than two thirds of all childcare and in some cases one hundred percent. Of the approximately 12 million single parent homes in 2015, more than 80 percent are headed by single mothers. This disproportionate statistic has been well documented in various contexts of countries around the world. The US Census Bureau found that today, one in four children under the age of 18, a total of 17.4 million were raised without a father at all. Women around the world have been constantly socialized to adhere to traditional gender roles that place most of their childcare responsibilities on them.

The definition of maternal role culture contributes to maternal preference as primary caregiver. The "motherhood mandate" illustrates the public's expectation that good mothers should be available to their children as much as possible. In addition to their traditional protective and nurturing roles, single mothers must also play the role of family providers as well; Because men are the breadwinners of traditional families, in the absence of child support or maternal social benefits should fulfill this role while also providing adequate offspring. Because of this dual role, in the United States, 80% of single mothers work, of which 50% are full-time and 30% part-time workers. Many single mothers who work rely on parenting facilities to care for their children while they are away from work. Associated with the increasing prevalence of single care is the increasing quality of health care, and there are findings of positive developmental effects with modern childcare. Not infrequently the mother will be actively involved with parenting programs as compensation for leaving their children under the care of others. Single mom's work can also rely on the help of a fictional sibling, which provides for the children while the mother is at her job. All of these factors contribute to a well-documented trend for single female-headed single households to experience poverty.

Single mothers are among the poorest, many of them vulnerable to homelessness. In the United States, nearly half (45%) of single mothers and their children live below the poverty line, also referred to as the poverty threshold. They lack the financial resources to support their children when the biological father is unresponsive. Many seek help through living with other adults, perhaps relatives, fictive or significant others, and divorced married women have fewer financial struggles than single unmarried mothers who can not work for longer periods of time without neglecting their childcare responsibilities. Unmarried moms are thus more likely to live with other adults. Much of the work available to women is insufficient and does not generate enough income for mothers and children; this is common in the United States and other countries around the world.


In the United States today, there are nearly 13.6 million single parents who raise more than 21 million children. Single dads are much less common than single mothers, constituting 16% of single parent families. According to Single Parent Magazine, the number of single fathers has increased by 60% in the last ten years, and is one of the fastest growing family situations in the United States. 60% of single divorced fathers, by far the most common cause of this family situation. In addition, there is an increasing trend of men who have children through surrogate mothers and raise them alone. While fathers are usually not seen as primary caregivers, statistics show that 90% of single fathers work, and 72% have steady jobs.

"Father" has been defined differently throughout history as providers, fathers, and even Sire, bringing connotations to demanding, disciplining, and even cruel. However, as author Armstrong Williams writes in the article "Dad's Definition," "... every father should take the time to be a father as well as a friend, discipliner, shoulder to cry, dancing partner, coach, audiences, advisors, listeners, and many again. "Williams, the writer quoted above, goes on to say that he views his father as a driving force in his family as well as someone who brings power and compassion to his family. In addition to these qualities, a single father must take on the role of mother, a role that extends deep into morality, devotion, and the ability to build an educational and nurturing environment. Thus is the role of father to be a source of endurance and strength, as well as love and affection.

Little research has been done to show the difficulty of "single father as caregiver" relationship; However, much has been done on the difficulties of single-parent households. Single parent households tend to experience difficulties with the lack of assistance they receive. More often than not there are single parents who find it difficult to seek help due to lack of support, be it a second parent or other family members. This tends not only to burden the parents but also the relationship between parents and their children. Furthermore, dependency is a difficult difficulty faced by many parents. When single parents get closer to their child, the child grows more and more dependent on the old man. This dependence, though often the case, can reach a distant childhood, destroying children due to lack of independence from their parents. "Single social parent isolation may be a stress factor that is transmitted to children.Another explanation may be that parents do not have the time needed to support and supervise their children.This can have a negative impact on the child."

Just as above, it has been found that little 'specific' research on the father's positive side as a single parent has been done; However, there are various pro proven accompanying single parents. One proven statistic about a single father states that a single father tends to use a more positive parenting technique than a married father. As far as non-specific pros, strong bonds tend to form between parents and children in single-parenting situations, allowing for increased maturity and closeness in the home. Gender roles also tend not to be enforced in single parent homes because jobs and jobs are more likely to be shared among all individuals than men or women in particular.

Single Parents - Official Trailer - YouTube
src: i.ytimg.com

Mother's mental health only

It has been proven statistically that the lack of social support for single mothers causes them to become depressed. More than 9.5 million American families are run by a woman.

Single mothers tend to have mental health problems, financial difficulties, live in low-income areas, and receive low levels of social support. All these factors are considered when evaluating the mental health of single mothers. The occurrence of moderate to severe mental defects was more pronounced among single mothers by 28.7% compared with mothers who partnered with 15.7%. Mental defects include but are not limited to anxiety and depression. Financial difficulties also affect the mental health of single mothers. Women, aged 15-24 years, are more likely to live in low socio-economic areas, have one child, and do not complete their final year of high school. These women are reported to be in the two lowest-income regions, and their mental health is much poorer than in high-income areas.

Similar research on mental health of single mothers tries to answer the question, "Is there a difference in the prevalence of psychiatric disorders, between married, never married, and divorced mothers?" Statistically, never married, and separate/divorced mothers have the highest regularity of drug abuse, personality disorder and PTSD. The family structure can be a trigger for mental health problems in single mothers. They are particularly at risk of having higher rates of depressive symptoms.

Studies from the 1970s show that single mothers who are not financially stable are more likely to be depressed. In more recent studies, it is evident that financial tension is directly correlated with the level of depression of the sky. Among low-income, single, depressive women may be as high as 60%.

Single Parenting Articles | parentpumpradio.com - Page 2
src: parentpumpradio.com

Single parenting type

Dying parents

Historically, partner deaths are a common cause of single parents. Maternal illness and death often lead to a widower or widow responsible for children. At certain moments, war may also claim a large number of families from parents. Improvements in sanitation and mother care have reduced mortality for reproductive age, making death a less common cause of single parenting.

Divorced parents

Divorce statistics

In 2009, the overall divorce rate was about 9/1000 in the United States. It was also found that more influence came from the south, with rates there being around 10.5/1000, compared to in the north where about 7/1000. This generates about 1.5% (about 1 million) of children living in the homes of newly divorced parents in the same year. Along with this, it has been proven that over the past 10 years, the first marriage has a 40% chance of ending up with a divorce. And, for another marriage after the first divorce, the likelihood of divorce increases. In 2003, a study showed that about 69% of American children live in households that are structurally different from ordinary family families. This is broken down into about 30% of lives with stepparents, 23% living with biological mothers, 6% with grandparents as caregivers, 4% with biological fathers, 4% with someone who is not a direct relative, and a small 1% living together foster families.

Around the mid-1990s, there were a large number of single parents who raised children, with 1.3 million single fathers and 7.6 million single mothers in the United States alone. However, many parents want, or try, to get sole custody, which will make them single parents, but unsuccessful in court proceedings. There are many parents who may be single parents, but do so without official custody, further biased statistics.

Children and divorce

Child custody in relation to divorce refers to which parents are allowed to make important decisions about the children involved. Physical custody refers to which parents live with the child. Among divorced parents, "parallel parenting" refers to parenting after divorce where every parent does it independently; this is most common. In comparison, cooperative parenting occurs when parents who engage in a child's life work together around all party schedules and activities involved, and this is much less common. After certain "crisis periods", most children continue normal development; However, their future relationships are often affected, as they do not have a model to underlie a healthy long-term relationship. Nevertheless, as adult children divorce cope better with change.

Children are affected by divorce in various ways, varying according to the circumstances and age of the child. Young children aged two to six are generally the most fearful of parents' separation, and often feel left out or confused. Both boys and girls have difficulty overcoming similar problems, but often show this in different ways. However, this age group adapts best to their situation, as they are often too young to remember their non-custodial parents clearly. Children ages seven to twelve are much better at expressing emotions and accepting parental disorders, but often not trusting their parents, relying on outside help and support for encouragement, and can manifest social and academic problems. Teenagers overcome the worst with divorce; they often struggle with change, and may even turn away from their families completely, face their own situation. They often have problems expressing feelings, similar to children who are much younger, and may have problems adjusting to long-term relationships because of these feelings. Keeping in touch with both parents and having a healthy relationship with mom and dad seems to have the most influence on a child's behavior; which leads to an easier time overcoming divorce and development through the lives of children. Children will get better with their parent's divorce if they have a smooth adjustment period. One way to make this adjustment easier in children is to let them "stay in the same neighborhood and school after the divorce."

Unwanted pregnancy

Some unmarried births are intended, but many are not accidental. Unmarried births are unacceptable to the public, and they often result in single care. A partner can also leave because he may want to avoid the responsibility of raising the child. It can also harm children. Where they are unacceptable, they sometimes produce forced marriages, but such marriages fail more often than others.

In the United States, unintended pregnancy rates are higher among unmarried couples than among married individuals. In 1990, 73% of births for unmarried women were not deliberate at conception, compared with about 44% of all births.

Mothers with unwanted pregnancies, and their children, experience many adverse health effects, including an increased risk of violence and death, and children tend to be successful in school and more likely to live in poverty and engage in crime.

"Frail Families" is usually caused by unwanted pregnancies out of wedlock. Usually in this situation the father is not completely in the picture and the relationship between mother, father, and child is consistently unstable. In addition to the instability of "fragile families" are often limited in resources such as human resources and financial resources, children from these families are more likely to be hindered at school and unsuccessful as well as children who have single parents strictly or two people homes old. Usually in these families the father plans to stay and help raise the child but once the child is born the father does not stay longer and only a third live after five years of child birth. Most of these fragile families come from low economic status to start and the cycle seems to continue; once the child grows, they may still be poor and live in poverty as well. Most fragile families end up with mothers becoming single parents, making it harder to get out of the cycle of poverty. The sex of the baby seems to have no effect if the father does not live with the mother at the time of birth which means they are still likely to leave after one year of child birth. But there is some evidence to suggest that if the father lives with the mother at birth he is more likely to live after one year if the child is a child than a girl.


Some individuals choose to become pregnant and become parents themselves. Others choose to adopt. Usually referred to in the West as "Single Mothers by Choice" or "Choice Moms" though, the father also (less commonly) may choose to be a single parent through adoption or surrogacy. Many are turning to single parents because of the choice after not finding the right person to raise the child, and for women, there is often a desire to have a biological child before it is too late to do so. Previous generations usually do not have this option and are forced by social pressure to marry someone less than ideal or undergo a rifle marriage to get parents in a socially acceptable way.

Xin con

Xin con or "begging children" is practiced in Vietnam by female veterans of the Vietnam War who have passed the usual marriage age when engaging in war. They ask men to help them conceive a child. In 1986, the legitimacy of children of single mothers in Vietnam was recognized by the Law of Marriage and Family.

Single parent adoption

Single parent adoption history

The adoption of single parents has existed since the mid-19th century. Men are rarely considered foster parents, and are considered less desirable. Often, children adopted by one person are raised in pairs rather than alone, and many adoptions by lesbians and gay men are arranged as single-parent adoptions. During the mid-19th century many state welfare officials made it difficult if it were not possible for single people to adopt, as the institutions sought a "normal" family with married men and women. In 1965, the Los Angeles Adoption Bureau looked for a single African-American for African-American orphaned children whose families could not be found. In 1968, the American Child Welfare League stated that married couples were preferred, but there were "exceptional circumstances" where single parental adoption was permitted.

Not much has changed with the adoption process since the 1960s. However, today, many countries only allow women to adopt as single parents, and many others only allow men to adopt boys.


Single parent adoption is controversial. They are, however, still more favored than divorce, because divorced parents are regarded as unnecessary stress on the child. In one study, the interviewers asked children questions about their new lifestyle in single parent homes. The interviewer found that when asked about fear, most children feared sickness or injury to the elderly. When asked about happiness, half of the children talked about the event with their adoptive parents. One person who wants to adopt a child must be aware of the challenges they may face, and there are certain institutions that will not cooperate with adoptive parents at all. Single parents usually only have their own income to live, and thus may not have a backup plan for prospective children if something happens to them. Traveling is also made more complex, because the child must be left in the care of others, or brought along.

Single parent adoption in the United States

The adoption of single parents is legal in all 50 states, a relatively recent incident as the California State Department of Social Welfare was the first to allow it in the 1960s. However, the process is difficult, and even almost impossible through some institutions. Adoption agencies have strict rules about what kind of people they allow, and most are meticulous in examining the background of the adopter. It is estimated that 5-10% of all adoptions in the US are by one person.

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src: www.tufing.com

Single parents in Australia


In Australia 2011, of all families 15.9% are single parent families. Of these families 17.6% of single parents are male, while 82.4% are female. During the period 1960-2016, the percentage of children living with only their mothers nearly tripled from 8 to 23 percent and the percentage of children living with their fathers increased only from 1 to 4 percent. The percentage of children who did not live with parents increased slightly from 3 to 4 percent.

Single parent adoption

Single people are eligible to apply for adoption in all Australian states, except Queensland and South Australia. They can apply for adoption for children born in Australia and international children, although not many other countries allow single adoption of single parents.


Single parents in Australia are eligible for government support payments, but only if they care for at least one child under the age of eight.

4 Ways To Find Love As a Single Mother - PattiKnows | Patti Stanger
src: www.pattiknows.com

Live settings for single parent

Source of the article : Wikipedia
